chs marijuana

Hot baths and showers tend to help reduce Alcoholics Anonymous or curb the symptoms. Many people with CHS will compulsively shower or bathe — often for hours every day — to relieve CHS symptoms. In 2023, New York State CAURD and AUCC Licensees authorized for licensed activities by the Office hosted 141 Cannabis Grower showcase (CGS) days in 43 cities and towns across the state.

chs marijuana

How soon after cannabis hyperemesis syndrome treatment will I feel better?

Your doctor probably should send you to see a stomach doctor, who knows more about your problem and can help you feel better. CHS is a newly identified condition, so doctors currently know little about it. No clinical guidelines exist, so they must rely on published case reports to treat people with CHS.

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome FAQs

After stopping cannabis use, symptoms generally resolve within days or months. Research is ongoing on the exact way that cannabis triggers this problem. In the meantime, the best way to relieve CHS symptoms is to stop using the drug. Chronic cannabis use is the primary risk factor for developing CHS.

How CHS Is Diagnosed

chs marijuana

Treatment involves stopping cannabis use and symptom management. The most effective treatment for Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is the cessation of marijuana use. Unfortunately, the psychological and physical dependency on marijuana can make quitting challenging for many individuals.

FAQ on Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS)

Typically, patients can only find relief from intense and persistent nausea by taking hot baths or showers. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a very unpleasant — and potentially dangerous — complication of long-term marijuana use. Because of this possible complication, it’s important to use caution with marijuana and other cannabis products. If you think you have CHS or cannabis use disorder, talk to a healthcare provider.

chs marijuana

Are there marijuana strains that have been identified as protecting people from CHS?

chs marijuana

These cases highlight the importance of finding better ways to distinguish CHS from other conditions that manifest in similar ways. Soon Facebook groups dedicated to CHS started to appear as well, with thousands of people who claimed they had these same symptoms. So far, the only known way to completely resolve symptoms of CHS is to stop all cannabinoid use. Most people end up having an abdominal ultrasound, upper scope, and a test to see how fast stuff gets out of the stomach before we figure out that their problem is CVS or CHS. We do these to make sure that nothing really bad is happening. These usually happen for 3 to 4 days but can last as long as 1 week in bad cases.

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS)

Also, it’s possible there are more cases than have been reported, since not everyone with the illness will seek medical help or tell their doctor they use cannabis, the Cleveland Clinic notes. Not everyone with the condition seeks medical help or tells their provider that they use marijuana. Importantly, the patient must be chs marijuana a (usually frequent) cannabis user during this time for the CHS diagnosis to fit. Appetite is typically unaffected during this phase, but researchers note that consumers tend to administer more cannabis as a nausea remedy. The most important thing to make CHS better is stopping marijuana use.

When should I go to the ER for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome?

The only known treatment to permanently get rid of CHS is to stop cannabis use completely. You may have symptoms and side effects of CHS for a few weeks after quitting cannabis. It’s important to be honest about your marijuana use if you have symptoms of CHS.

chs marijuana

Some people with CHS require pain relievers if abdominal pain is present. In this article, we describe CHS and discuss the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of the condition. As CHS is a newly described condition, many doctors may find it challenging to diagnose and treat. Researchers have tried to explain what causes CHS, but further study is necessary. If you need help quitting cannabis, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration offers a 24/7 helpline in English and Spanish. A representative can refer you to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

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